Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Six Months Today

Andrew has been home six months today. I can't believe how fast the time has gone, and yet it seems as if he's been here longer.

Family is what's important to him. He loves his brothers and sisters.

He enjoys being homeschooled and loves to ride his skateboard!

He enjoys drawing, riding his bike, paying the wii and helping around the house.

He's had some therapy and knows that he needs to talk about how he feels, not cover it up. So he has been doing better with that. He asks to talk with me and then let's me know why he is angry, sad or upset. Afterwards he will let me know how much better he feels.

He's working through a lot of emotions and past hurts. It's a slow process, but he has started. Now the healing will begin.



  1. Beautiful post, Hansina! Love the photos, too. What an artist you have! Maybe art will help with his healing, too. Peace my friend. It's been too long!

  2. LOVE this, Hansina. What a great artist -- which may help with his healing, too, Miss you!!!

  3. Wow! Such a great artist! So glad he is trying to work through some of the hurt. Continued prayer for him and the rest of you! <3

  4. So proud of all of you Mickschl's!!! We know that 2013 is bringing many new God-sized adventures & blessings for each of you - can't wait to hear the good reports! Praise God for His healing grace & love! Miss you much!!

  5. It must be hard to understand/believe that feelings are valuable. I'm keeping him in my prayers.

  6. Unbelievable that it has already been half a year. It is good to hear that all of you are doing well! I am glad to hear that Andrew is open to therapy and learning to express his feelings. I continue praying for your family and the good work your are doing by growing together and loving each other! Kind regards Beate

  7. Thank you for keeping us updated. It certainly does seem longer than six months. Andrew is a very good artist. Prayers being raised up for him.

  8. Andrew is an amazing artist. Keep up the work on healing - it will be worth it. Hugs

  9. Andrew is gifted in a lot of ways, isn't he? Musically, artistically, adaptability, wow. God bless and keep all of you. I'm so happy for you all.


    Judee in Iowa
